Our Services


The benefits left to your family on death and the tax implications of the various options available if you get offered an enhanced transfer value.

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The main purpose of AVC’s is to bump up your pension benefits that your employer’s pension scheme is providing for you.

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An EPS is a type of defined contribution retirement savings plan in which individuals contribute to their pension funds.

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Self-employed pension plans are ideal retirement savings for a self-employed business owner or a sole trader.

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Directors Pension is a pension retirement plan designed to allow company directors and senior employees to save for retirement.

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An occupational pension is a type of pension scheme in which your employer automatically tops up the amount you pay into it each month.

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Previous Defined contribution pension plans are an excellent, tax-efficient way to save money for retirement by employed individuals.

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It is important to invest in a pension plan. However, this step alone is not sufficient for ensuring your secured financial future.

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Public Sector employees (Teachers, Nurses, Doctors, Guards, Army Officers, Civil Servants).

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We can you to compare all your mortgage options & help you get the best mortgage rates.

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Are you an Irish citizen working abroad  thinking about buying a dream home in your homeland?

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Buying your first home can be both an exciting and nerve-wracking experience.

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Mortgage protection is life insurance that pays off your mortgage in the event of your death.

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Pay for refreshment on your funeral day for your family and give yourself a good send off.

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Unsure if Serious Illness Protection is the right choice for you?

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One of the main benefits of Salary protection is that all monthly premiums qualify for tax…

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Income protections an insurance policy that pays a monthly replacement Income/income  …

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Taking out Life Insurance in your 50s can ensure that a lump sum of money is left to your loved…

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Are you a preoccupied working person who has yet to take action to safeguard your family …

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No parent or relative wishes to see their children issued with a hefty  CAT bill upon their death.

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Public Sector

The 3 main entitlements are broken down as follows: Pension Entitlements, Death-in-Service…

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Thenew single scheme commenced in 2013 for all new entrants into the public sector…

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All contributions into AVCs qualify for tax relief. This makes them a much more tax efficient…

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Savings And Investments

A Children’s College Education Savings Plan will help relieve some of the financial pressure of …

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Qualify for a larger mortgage loan than you will get with any local bank. Lowest interest rates…

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It is entirely up to you how much interaction you have with a financial service professional…

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Are you an investor looking to protect your money in a low-risk scheme?

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Children’s savings plans specifically tailors to mitigate and future gift/inheritance tax liability…

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t is one of the world’s most welcoming places for international business and foreign direct…

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You don’t deserve negative growth on your hard-earned savings. But this is bound to happen …

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