Expert Money Management in Galway, Ireland

Money Management

Expert Money Management in Galway, Ireland

Money Maximizing Advisors Limited specializes in Money Management in Galway, Ireland and mortgages for public sector employees. We are well experienced in handling all the specific financial planning needs of government employees such as pay scales and overtime allowances.

Mortgage Brokers in Dublin, Ireland

Money Maximizing Advisors Limited, guide you in applying for our special State Employee Mortgage, we walk you through the details so that you will be able to find the best solution to your mortgages.

 We have a streamlined application process, specifically for the convenience of government employees. Our team of professional and qualified mortgage consultants is experienced and familiar with the Public Sector pay scales, allowance, and employment terms. This means they can evaluate and process your application quickly with accuracy and less hassle for you.

Irish mortgage experts and Civil servant mortgages

At Money Maximizing Advisors, we have experts to guide you through the entire mortgage process, such as the amount to apply, repayment details, and surety-related documentation.

To apply for a mortgage, you must provide evidence that you can repay it, a valid proof of long-term employment, if you are a contract worker then you need to provide proof of rolling contracts. If you are entitled to bonuses and commissions, the mortgage company will consider the estimated average over the period. 

For your variable income such as the shift allowance and overtime, you need to provide an employment detail summary of a year, which will be considered while calculating a mortgage. 

Your basic pay, variable pay, probation pay, contractual allowance, and gifts will be considered while calculating your mortgage. 

Public Sector AVCs

whether you are overfunded or underfunded, the tax implications of the AVC Funds on retirement, and How to use AVCs to max out your Tax-free lump sums. Whether you should start, stop, or restart your AVCs

Last Minute AVCs

We guide you completely about, when these are required and how to set up/draw down these funds, we guide you about sick pay Entitlements, and when and how can you get these benefits, Death in Service Entitlements, how to go about the entire process, Spouses and Children’s Benefits, what best can be done for them. 

Mortgage advisers in Dublin

Money Maximizing Advisors Limited Structures investments to suit clients’ requirements in their pension and investment portfolios, we evaluate your resources, match your financial goals to your resources, invest wisely, and make use of the tax benefits. 


We Are a Qualified Team of Experienced Tax Advisors, Certified Financial Planners (CFP), And Certified Financial Advisors (QFA) We Specialise in Financial Advice for Both Private and Public Sectors.

Talk to us at +353 91 393 125 or

mail us at

Or visit our office at Unit 3, Office 6, Liosban Business Park, Tuam Rd, Galway, Ireland

Read Also- Investment Advisor Financial Advice in Ireland


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