Education Seminars

Financial Education Seminars Galway, Ireland

Financial Education Seminars Galway, Ireland can help you achieve great things that you have always dreamed of, it can help you plan for your future with confidence, make informed investments, and save tax.

Money Maximising Advisors in Dublin, Ireland. Help clients with financial planning, helping them set and implement financial strategy specific to their needs and requirements. We conduct Education and training seminars in Galway, and by this, we provide Education and Training Seminars on a wide range of topics. These seminars can be either performed in-house as part of our Corporate Wellness program for Companies or externally for specific groups of professionals outside of their working hours who have specific requirements. For example, Retirement seminars for doctors/Teachers/Nurses and Redundancy Seminars.

Our learning conferences in Ireland

  • We give Financial Advice in the major areas of personal finance such as Financial planning, helping clients plan their finances according to their needs and requirements. We help you take stock of your current financial position, your source of income, expenditure, and ability to invest and save, and create a personalized financial plan and implement it.
  •  Retirement planning in which we help individuals plan for their retirement. We will help you plan your financial independence for your old age, this will help you age gracefully with self-respect and self-reliance. 
  • Our Learning conferences in Ireland, help them plan for tax planning, we help you to invest in a tax-efficient way so that you can use the same amount to invest in your future retirement fund, rather than burdening yourself with heavy taxes. And guide you to Invest in retirement-specific plans that will yield extra benefits in terms of good returns and less tax.
  • Investment Planning in which we help our clients in structuring investments, to suit their requirements in their pension and investment portfolios. We guide you to evaluate your resources and match your financial goals to your resources, invest wisely, and make use of the tax benefits. With the help of our financial advice, you can consider the various avenues of investment and saving.  


For financial planning and investments, there is no single plan that fits all types of investors. At Money Maximising Advisors, our highly experienced financial advisors offer personalized financial advisory services that are suitable to your own financial situation and goals.

With over 20 years of experience in providing financial planning and advice, we offer nationwide coverage with our head office located in Galway, Ireland.

We also offer Multi-agency Mortgage and Insurance Brokerage services, we specialize in pension planning for both pre and post-retirees with vast knowledge and experience in all public sector superannuation schemes.


We Are a Team of Experienced Tax Advisors, Certified Financial Planners (CFP), And Qualified Financial Advisors (QFA) Specialising in Financial Advice for Both Private and Public Sectors.

Talk to us at +353 91 393 125

Mail us at

Or visit our office at Unit 3, Office 6, Liosban Business Park, Tuam Rd, Galway, Ireland

Read Also- What is a Financial Literacy Workshop And Education Seminars?


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