What is The Difference Between Pre and Post 2013 Public Sector Superannuation Pension Schemes?

Public Sector Superannuation

What is The Difference Between Pre and Post 2013 Public Sector Superannuation Pension Schemes?

Public sector superannuation schemes have played a vital role in providing retirement benefits to employees in various governmental organizations. These schemes have undergone significant changes over the years, with a notable transition occurring in 2013. In this blog post, we will delve into the differences between pre and post-2013 Public Sector Superannuation schemes. Specifically, we will focus on the changes implemented after 2013 and how they have impacted the retirement landscape for public sector employees.

Pre-2013 Public Sector Superannuation PRE 2013 Schemes:

Prior to 2013, Public Sector Superannuation Pre 2013 schemes followed a defined benefit (DB) model, wherein retirement benefits were calculated based on a formula considering factors such as the employee’s final average salary and years of service. These schemes provided a level of security and predictability to employees, as the pension amount was predetermined.

  1. a) Pension Calculation:

The calculation of pension benefits under pre-2013 schemes was relatively straightforward. It typically involved multiplying the average salary by a percentage based on the number of years of service. In some cases, additional factors such as employee contributions and inflation adjustments were also considered.

  1. b) Retirement Age and Service Requirements:

The retirement age and service requirements varied across different public sector superannuation schemes. However, many schemes allowed employees to retire with a full pension after a certain number of years of service, often ranging from 25 to 35 years.

Post-2013 Public Sector Superannuation Schemes:

In 2013, several changes were introduced to Public Sector Superannuation Post 2013 schemes in response to evolving economic and demographic factors. These changes aimed to make the schemes more sustainable in the long term and align them with broader pension reforms.

  1. a) Shift to Accumulation Schemes:

One significant shift was the transition from defined benefit schemes to accumulation schemes, also known as defined contribution (DC) schemes. Under the accumulation model, employees and employers make regular contributions to an individual account, which is then invested in various financial instruments. The retirement benefit is determined by the accumulated contributions and the investment returns.

  1. b) Increased Employee Contributions:

Post-2013, public sector employees were typically required to contribute a higher percentage of their salary towards their superannuation fund. This change aimed to distribute the cost of retirement benefits more evenly between the employee and the employer.

  1. c) Retirement Age and Service Requirements:

Another key change was the increase in the retirement age and service requirements. Many post-2013 superannuation schemes raised the minimum age at which employees could access their benefits and required longer periods of service to qualify for a full pension.

  1. d) Preservation of Superannuation Funds:

Post-2013 schemes introduced stricter preservation rules to ensure that the accumulated superannuation funds remained untouched until retirement, preventing early access to the funds for other purposes.

Impact on Public Sector Employees:

The transition from pre-2013 to post-2013 public sector superannuation schemes has had significant implications for employees.

  1. a) Increased Individual Responsibility:

With the shift to accumulation schemes, employees now bear a greater responsibility for managing their retirement savings. The investment performance and market fluctuations directly impact the final pension amount, making financial literacy and planning crucial.

  1. b) Potential for Higher Retirement Savings:

While the pre-2013 schemes provided a guaranteed pension amount, the post-2013 schemes offer the potential for higher retirement savings. Depending on market performance and contribution levels, employees may accumulate a more substantial retirement nest egg.

  1. c) Adjustments to Retirement Plans:

The changes to retirement age and service requirements mean that employees may need to adjust their retirement plans. Delaying retirement and working for longer periods may become necessary to qualify for a full pension under the post-2013 schemes.

  1. d) Long-Term Sustainability:

The reforms implemented post-2013 aimed to ensure the long-term sustainability of public sector superannuation schemes. By aligning with broader pension reforms, these changes addressed concerns about the fiscal viability of these schemes and aimed to provide a fair balance between retirement benefits and costs.


The transition from pre-2013 to post-2013 public sector superannuation pension schemes marked a significant shift in the retirement landscape for government employees. While the Money Maximising Advisors pre-2013 schemes offered predictable defined benefits , the post-2013 schemes introduced accumulation models with increased employee contributions and adjusted retirement age and service requirements. These changes aimed to create more sustainable superannuation schemes in the face of economic and demographic challenges. As public sector employees navigate these changes, understanding the differences between pre and post-2013 schemes becomes crucial for effective retirement planning and decision-making.

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