Public Sector Pension/Superannuation Advice

Public Sector Superannuation Schemes

Public Sector Superannuation schemes can be quite complex and difficult to understand. Our team of Advisors have vast experience with advising public servants on these schemes.

Below is some of the main financial queries which we help our clients calculate and understand:

The majority of Civil Servants who commenced full-time employment in a public sector position is a member of one of the 2 main Superannuation schemes.

    • Pre-2013 Superannuation Scheme
    • New Single Superannuation Scheme – Post-2013

Both of these schemes provide life insurance, sick pay entitlements and pension benefits to its members.

In order to qualify for these benefits, contributions must be made to earn these benefits.

Compulsory Contributions to earn Superannuation Entitlements

The 2 main compulsory contributions are as follows:

  1. Pension Contributions
    • For each payslip, a contribution of roughly 5% of your Gross (before Tax) earnings is made.
    • These are compulsory contributions and are usually visible on each payslip (right-hand side). The deductions can be named differently on your payslip, depending on which department you are being paid from. The most popular titles for these deductions are:
      • Pension Grouped
      • Pension 170
      • Additional Superannuation Contributions (ASC)
  2. Spouses and children’s Benefits’ deduction
    Another compulsory deduction that is visible on most payslips is called Spouses and Children’s benefit. This can often be named ‘1.5% Sp &Ch’ on your payslip. This deduction entitles you to a Death-in-Service benefit (see below)

Superannuation Benefits and Entitlements

Every year you work, you earn entitlements as a public servant from whichever superannuation scheme you are a member of.

The benefits and entitlements are calculated differently with each scheme. Generally speaking, the Pre-2013 scheme benefits are more significant, particularly when comparing the pension entitlements.

The tax-free lump sum and pension entitlements are roughly 40% more with the Pre 2013 scheme than the post-2013 scheme.

  • Pension Entitlements
      • Tax-Free Lumps sums and annual pension calculations
      • The implications of retiring early, resigning/leaving the public service, taking a career breaks or unpaid unpaid leave etc
      • Retiring on Cost Neutral grounds
      • Retiring on ill health Grounds
  • AVCs
      • whether you are overfunded or underfunded
      • The tax implications of any AVC Funds on retirement (if overfunded)
      • How to use AVCs to max out your Tax-free lump sums
      • Whether you should start, stop or restart your AVCs
  • Last Minute AVCs
      • When these are required and how to set up/draw down these funds
  • Sick Pay Entitlements
  • Death In Service Entitlements
  • Spouses and Children’s Benefit
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There Are Two Type of Superannuation Schemes In Ireland


If you would like to get an estimate of your pension entitlements, please complete the Form below and we will send you a customised Report.